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4 x 4 ft, Oil on Canvas Painted for Grace Bible Church, Vernon BC. Based on the 7 "I AM"s spoken by Jesus. "I AM" ..... the BREAD (John 6:35) ..... the LIGHT (John 8:12) ..... the DOOR (John 10:7) ..... the SHEPHERD (John 10:11) ..... the RESURRECTION (John 11:25) ..... the WAY/ROAD (John 14:6) ..... the VINE (John 15:1)

The Hungry are Satisfied
4 x 7 ft, Oil on Canvas Painted for and presently displayed in the Langley Food Bank, Langley BC. Click link below for their website.

A Cowboy's World.
8 x 16 ft. Latex house paint on press board. Painted for Eagle Rock Ranch, BC. Presently displayed at a Bible Camp.
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