7 x 27 ft. Oil on Canvas.

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THEME: The Abrahamic Covenant with a Focus on Redemptive Analogies in Relation to World Missions.
From the Artist...
You may ask, “What made you paint this work?”
In 1980 God took me on a spiritual journey. So many questions needed answers! During 6 months of intense study I found that the Bible was the only source that I could trust and in it I found the answers I didn't even know I was looking for. God revealed truths I never expected to find. He showed me how much I needed to be covered by the blood of Jesus.
This is when my artistic nature became a spiritual gift—to the point that I could visualize what I was studying.
This painting is what I saw.
This is when, by revelation, I understood the PROMISE STORY.
Of course, I wanted to paint it right away, but God in His wisdom—and often my pain—made me wait 28 years.
I’ve since realized that He made me wait this long because I had to live it first before I had the right to paint it.
Shortly afterwards, my husband and I attended a Missions Conference where Don Richardson, (Eternity in Their Hearts, Peace Child) spoke about the “top and bottom lines” of the Abrahamic Covenant—the very subject I had been studying! He spoke about “Redemptive Analogies” in relation to World Missions. (see About the Painting)
That day changed our lives forever.
This was the last piece of the puzzle and the picture was now complete.
Now we knew what God wanted us to do.
When I started this work in 2008, there was no thought of what to do with it afterwards—I just needed to “get it out”. However, as people came to see what was happening, the idea of an audio visual began to emerge so the story could be seen and heard. That led to requests for the books and DVD.
All my life I wanted to have professional Art training but the doors were always closed. Now I think I understand why. People often ask me, “Where did you learn to paint?” and I’ve realized that they want to give credit to someone or something.
Now, only God receives that credit because it is entirely His gifting.
I'm so thankful that He allowed me to see a tiny part of His great plan and for directing my heart and mind to be able to capture it on canvas.
Chris DeJong