Early Collection 1980-1982
My first works were extensions of our home filled with antiques and prints of the Old Masters. Soon, those prints were replaced with some of my own reflections.

16”x24”, Oil on Canvas board. Photographer unknown. First attempt with oils.

24”x20”, Oil on Canvas board. Reflection of an early 1600’s Dutch artist (unknown) First completed work. Applying a glazing technique.

24”x20”, Oil on Canvas board. Photograph possibly by Leon Franks. Third attempt - Still Life, with glazes.

24”x30”, Oil on Canvas Photo by Chris DeJong. A place that holds wonderful memories of life changing experiences. .

14”x11”, Oil on Canvas. Source unknown Trying something different, without glazes.

20”x16”, Oil on Canvas. Taken from an old family photo. My Grandma was a special person and role model.

18”x24”, Oil on Canvas. From memory. Embedded in my mind will always be this scene of Grandma.
Later Collection 2003 - 2004
After 20 years it was time to revisit my earlier love of the Renaissance.

28”x22”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of an early 1600’s Dutch artist (unknown).

48”x36”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of an early 1600’s Dutch artist (unknown). First partially painted in 1980 as “Old Woman”.

34”x28”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of a work done by Jean-Baptist-Simon Chardin (yr??)

11”x14”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of Roland Delaporte’s “Still Life with a Carafe of Barley Wine”, 1787.

20”x30”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of Jean-Baptist-Simon Chardin’s “Still Life with Jar of Olives”, 1760.

10”x8”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of Johannes Vermeer’s “The Lackemaker”, 1665.

8”x10”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of C. Jetses’ “Jong geleerd, Oud gedann.” Translated ...“Learned young, done old”. (yr??).

5”x5”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of Gerard TerBorch’s “Boy Delousing a Dog”, 1655.

48”x36”, Oil on Canvas. Reflection of Adelalde Labille-Guiard’s “Portrait of the Artist with Two Pupils”’ 1785.